Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Writing about Drugs

As per James' request, I'm going to try to start posting here some of the things I find on the internets rather than sending to him alone. Call him unselfish. This is a piece I found through Metafilter.com, and the reason I put it up, is this guy can write. I'm amazed at his ability to be so honest, funny, horrifying and truthful all about Drugs which, judging by a whole ream of writing is really hard to write about. Don't do drugs. Here he talks about his childhood attempts to get high from drinking mead from a recipe from the library: "I kept my mead in a pair of empty plastic Coke bottles. Every day I'd have to twist the cap off and release the carbon dioxide, or the stuff would explode. On New Year’s Eve I poured my first glass. It was warm, almost hot. It wasn’t sweet at all--it tasted like some kind of milky lard. I couldn't drink it at first, but I made myself chug the stuff. I’m not sure what happened, but all of a sudden it was dark outside, I thought I heard Dick Clark talking about his balls, and I couldn't stand up."


At 9:31 AM, Blogger James said...



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