Thursday, January 27, 2005

I know, I know "fake, fake, fake"

But hell, have you seen the illustration here? Man.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Same Site, Different Funny

Another great quote from this site which promotes a Creationist Science Fair is too great: "This is also the first year that Muslim students from the Al-Jannah Islamic school have been invited to participate; two of their students presented a project on human anatomy entitled 'Allah (SWT) Created Me' which, while it was found ineligible for a prize due to a number of Biblical inconsistencies, did win a special Interfaith Outreach ribbon."

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

I Pray That Brat Lynda Gets a Cold

I can't really say much more about this site than it can.

"1st Place: "Using Prayer To Microevolve Latent Antibiotic Resistance In Bacteria"

Eileen Hyde and Lynda Morgan (grades 10 & 11) did a project showing how the power of prayer can unlock the latent genes in bacteria, allowing them to microevolve antibiotic resistance. Escherichia coli bacteria cultured in agar filled petri dishes were subjected to the antibiotics tetracycline and chlorotetracycline. The bacteria cultures were divided into two groups, one group (A) received prayer while the other (B) didn't. The prayer was as follows: "Dear Lord, please allow the bacteria in Group A to unlock the antibiotic-resistant genes that You saw fit to give them at the time of Creation. Amen." The process was repeated for five generations, with the prayer being given at the start of each generation. In the end, Group A was significantly more resistant than Group B to both antibiotics."

Please check out some of the others: "My Uncle Is A Man Named Steve (Not A Monkey)" (although perhaps her Uncle is a man named Steven from the pic). You decide.