Sunday, November 27, 2005

This Particular Sunday: A Monument

Is being built northeast of town
on a rusted field of birds and grass.
Thickets hum dark past the verge.

A seahorse cloud floats
over a shell of dusty leaves
talking above us.

The monument
to this particular Sunday
grows in the shadows tonight,
a moonplant.

As the orchestras of Italy
practice the first few bars
of the monument
to this particular Sunday,

gaffers tilt the stars.


At 11:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old man likes it but thinks third line is a tad turgid. He loves for number two son to write poetry tho.

At 1:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I appreciate the last line, the imagery it creates, but I also don't like it because it takes away glory from Jehovah God, our Creator.


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